1. What does “distribution” refer to in the budget section?
“Distribution” pertains to how the grant amount is allocated among participating centers. Collaborating partners should receive a substantial part of the budget to effectively conduct their research. There are no strict rules regarding this distribution.
2. Can someone who has completed a FOREUM grant apply again?
Yes, individuals who have completed a Topic Grant may apply again.
3. Are PIs of ongoing FOREUM-sponsored projects eligible to apply for new ones?
Yes, but for a different type of grant than the one they are already holding.
4. Do partner centers need to specialize in rheumatology?
No, partner centers do not need to be specialized in rheumatology, as organizational structures vary by country.
5. Must partner centers actively participate in the research?
Yes, each center should engage actively in the research process beyond just providing patient samples, as collaboration quality is part of the evaluation.
6. Are there rules for budget distribution among centers?
There are no specific rules for budget distribution. The PI defines tasks and evaluates the needs of each center based on their roles in the research.
7. Can the call be for basic research projects?
Yes, research can address any basic, translational, or clinical aspects as outlined in the call text.
8. Are applications open to those starting a PhD?
Yes, applicants can include rheumatologists, those in training, or health professionals linked to RMD research, regardless of experience level.
9. Must applicants return to their home country after a fellowship?
While not mandatory, applicants are encouraged to return to implement their acquired knowledge, which may influence evaluation.
10. Can EULAR committee members apply for a career grant?
No, members in leading roles on EULAR committees are not eligible to apply for a career grant or lead a topic grant.
11. Does “institution” in eligibility criteria refer to entire institutions or departments?
It refers to entire institutions. Each institution can only lead one application, regardless of individual departments.
12. Should letters of intent include confirmation from participating centers?
It is sufficient to list collaborating partners and state they have been informed of the project. While additional letters are not required, they may be included if desired.
13. How many applications receive funding on average within each call?
The number of applications that receive funding depends on the donations received by FOREUM, as well as budget approvals and Board decisions. On average, 3 to 4 projects are funded within each call.
14. What costs are covered by FOREUM grants?
FOREUM does not cover overhead costs. Specific covered costs are already listed in the budget section of the online application form.
15. Can one apply for salary as part of the funds?
Yes, applicants may include their own salary, with the maximum amount depending on the type of grant applied for. The letter of intent should reference the budget and must not exceed two pages.